The Tao of Badass


The Tao of Badass Review


If there’s one book that can help men approach women with confidence, it has to be foolproof and proven effective. You probably have heard your friends talk about their best tips and tricks in seducing women, bragging that they’ve captured hot and sexy ladies in the city. Do you think you’ve lost your charm in seducing beautiful ladies because of your age or you’ve gained so much weight? Do you find initiating a good conversation with difficulty or probably experiencing approach anxiety every time you want to talk to a woman you’re interested in dating?


Well, Josh Pellicer’s famous book, The Tao of Badass, reveals the secrets of real men who successfully met the women of their dreams through proven and effective techniques. Yes, this love and relationship book, made specifically for men, claims that it can help you bring back your confidence and charm among women. So, let’s find out more about this book through this review to determine if it’s worth reading! Let’s get started!




Our attention was caught by the title of Joshua Pellicer’s famous book, The Tao of Badass. This book provides a step-by-step guide to attract women. You won’t only learn about tips and tricks or pointers, but will also get a good grasp of the real psyche of women. The Tao of Badass has an incredible reputation with over 100,000 online users and 95.7% of which have found true success in dating and maintaining relationships with women. It’s no wonder why a lot of men talk about this book. The author had experienced rejection and failures as a coach, that made him realized what strategies work or don’t work.


Unlike what many people probably think, the system taught in this eBook is not about teaching men to become a player, nor it is about sex, getting your first kiss, or trying to get a pretty and sexy woman to sleep with you. It is all about applying effective techniques to help you improve your confidence so you can deal with the most difficult situations when dealing with women. This book focuses on improving body language and conversation skills. You’ll read an expert’s advice on how to establish and maintain a long-term relationship. The Tao of Badass is highly recommended for men. If you’re genuinely interested in knowing more about women, understand how to effectively communicate with women, you want to manipulate women, or you want to master the art of seduction, this book is for you. However, if you’re a player, afraid of rejection, or don’t have the guts to follow instructions, this book is not for you.


Joshua Pellicer is a dating coach who’s an average guy but an expert in female psychology, the art of seduction, and body language. He’s not like a handsome prince that most women dream of. In fact, his first relationship ended in disaster when he was 17 years old. That’s why ever since, he studied women and developed his system, focusing on body language that men can use to catch a woman’s attention. Because of the effectiveness of his teachings, Joshua earned his nickname ‘The Pickup Artist’ and was even featured in the New York Times and The Today Show.


Useful Insights


The Tao of Badass claims to be a rejection-proof system. It teaches the readers the effective step-by-step method to talk, approach, seduce, and make women attracted and fall in love with you. The philosophy of The Tao of Badass evolves around pre-selection. It is believed that women are not attracted to men because of good looks and money, but pre-selection, which is a principle that says, ‘Women are generally attracted to men who are perceived as attractive or wanted by many ladies. In short, you become the next ‘guy’ wanted by almost any types of women.


The Tao of Badass transforms you into a new guy who can attract all types of women. Let’s check the three main parts of the book to know how it does the work of making you an attractive man.


1. How to Become an Attractive Man


The first part of the book speaks about how to ‘Become an Attractive Man’. It creates a clearer picture of what women perceive as the ‘ideal guy’ which is far from what men usually think. The aim of this section is to equip you with the knowledge of the things that make men attractive to women.


Learn the science behind gender roles.


  • Learn the importance of embracing your manhood. It highlights the benefits of fulfilling your role as a man to avoid getting friend-zoned or falling as Mr. Nice guy.
  • Learn how to boost your confidence. Be confident around women with the tips of Joshua because women tend to be attracted to men who have oozing self-confidence.
  • Learn about self-belief techniques to increase your self-esteem and become more attractive to women.


2. How to Pick-up Girls


The author dedicated an entire chapter to help men apply the best approach to picking up a girl. He focuses on approach anxiety and ways to kill this crippling fear that prevents many guys from dating and communicating with beautiful and sexy ladies.


  • Learn the effective techniques to get rid of approach anxiety by analyzing your psychological behavior.
  • Learn how to correctly use body language when approaching a woman that won’t result in rejection.
  • Learn the map of interaction which is constructed around rapport, attraction, seduction, and relationship balance.
  • Learn how to see and analyze the map interaction matrix so you will know to proceed to the next level.


3. How to Read Body Language

Know if a woman likes you by reading this section. The author provided different scenarios to show the readers about applying the right body language. Here are the things you’ll learn in this section:

  • Learn the more about the difference between negative and positive body language.
  • Learn how to apply the correct body language.
  • Learn about the cues of attraction. Achieve an expert’s eye on how to spot when a woman is into you.


gives real usable tips and strategies that men can use to meet, date, and establish a long-term relationship with women. There is even one chapter that teaches you how to read women or figure out if a woman is interested in you.


Practical Tips


In the eBook, The Tao of Badass, the author explains the need to use banter to make every conversation content-free, fun, and playful. There are tons of examples of banter lines that men can use based on the concepts and principles stated. Here are the practical tips you’ll learn in this eBook.


  • Learn how to communicate without appearing too over confident or shy.
  • Know how to sell yourself to women without bragging.
  • Learn how to demonstrate value to women.
  • Find ways to instantly build attraction.
  • Learn how to make a woman chase you.
  • Effectively ask open-ended questions to turn a boring or dull conversation into an emotional big bang.
  • Discover effective techniques to establish ‘chemistry’ or common interest within the first few seconds of talking with a girl.
  • Establishing a substantial impact or level of rapport is crucial if you want to see the woman again.
  • Gain fascinating insights about the emotional versus the logical brain theory.
    Learn how to make a woman instantly seduced.
  • Learn tips and tricks to avoid raising a woman’s “red zone” to sexually escalate seduction without rejection.
  • Know the most common mistakes that make women turn cold.
  • Learn how to tweak the way you walk to become women’s head turner.
    Know the best sitting position that will turn on women.
  • Learn how to avoid being cheated, fall into the Mr. Nice guy category, or experiencing friend-zone.
  • Learn how to determine your status and make your ‘friend’ status to a ‘boyfriend-material’ or ‘spouse-material’, saving your precious time and avoiding hurt feelings.
  • Learn how to deal with rejections in terms of asking a date, requesting her number, or asking her to sleep with you.


Here Are the Important Things to Remember:


  • The Tao of Badass is not about being a player or a jerk who tries to get every woman and have sex.
  • The book is about tips and techniques men can use to deal with women in the most common situations wherein most men go terribly bad.
  • Facial expressions and other forms of body language can be misinterpreted, so it’s vital that your body language should be clear and easily understood loud.
  • The book teaches men how to effectively use body language to be closer or attract women. Now, it’s up to you if you want to move up and take a simple interaction to the next level. Yes, you can use your newly found knowledge to seduce the woman of your dreams.
  • The Tao of Badass is not for everyone, most especially if your aim to merely manipulate women.
  • Don’t memorize the scripts and pretend to be a good guy, whereas you’re not. Don’t fake your personality. This eBook helps you improve yourself but not asking you to be somebody else.
  • The success of the techniques found in this eBook depends on your application. Practice and apply the art until it becomes your second nature. You have to invest time and effort to figure out the best techniques that will work for you.


Value for Money


With a price tag of $67, you might think that The Tao of Badass is expensive when compared to other dating and relationship eBooks. Of course, with this price point, you only get what you pay for. With the wealth of additional material and the effectiveness and practical application of the techniques, you’ll soon realize that it’s all worth it.


It can improve your life as a whole because this is a guide that offers the best of both worlds, concepts and real-life application. Here’s how:


  • The Tao of Badass is a complete system that is unique and first on the market, that effectively teaches men the basics to attract women, build trust and connection, and ultimately physically turn on the woman of your dreams.
  • This eBook provides step-by-step techniques that are simple and easy to understand so you can learn at your own pace.


While there are many rumors and misconceptions about The Tao of Badass, a lot of reviews, both men and women, remain generally positive. It is an in-depth dating and relationship eBook not only suitable for men. For female readers, they’ll learn how the system affects and exposes women to vulnerabilities. By knowing these vulnerabilities, they can avoid being manipulated by men, which is a huge advantage for women who probably purchased this eBook because of sheer curiosity. Considering the relevance and rich content you get, The Tao of Badass is a worth the money you pay for it.


Style and Format


The Tao of Badass is broken down into 25 key components. It is available in 150 pages PDF with training videos (50 minutes), a body language webinar course (5 weeks 9 hours total), a personal development course, and an inner confidence audio album. You’ll also get exclusive access to The Tao of Badass official website, The Badass Elite membership area, which provides more material.


Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll get when you purchase The Tao of Badass:


1. The Tao of Badass eBook


This eBook is consists of 150 pages. It is available in PDF Book and an Audiobook download, providing a step-by-step road map to success or an ‘attraction blueprint’ system to successfully approach, interact, and seduce women.


2. Advanced Training Videos


The advanced training videos run for 50 minutes, helping you understand how to establish a deep rapport with girls. Also, you’ll learn how to demonstrate value, qualify, and escalate things sexually.


3. Five Weeks Body Language (The Mastery Course)


This course lasts for nine hours. It is in a form of series of webinars packed a 5-week intensive course. We were impressed with the techniques in reading and applying the right body language. The tips are practical that can make you a pro or possess a trained eye to pinpoint the best time to escalate seduction with a woman and avoid rejection.


4. Audio Album on Subliminal Inner Confidence


This audio album includes four audio tracks that you can download to your smartphone or iPod. It helps men nail their self-confidence with women.

5. Video Course in Hacking Attraction


This video course is a personal development course that is dedicated to making you more attractive. It claims to improve your inner you, so you can become an attractive man who can get the girl you want. The videos are all in high-resolution, easy to understand, and the contents will surely make you sit, enjoy watching, and drink a cup of strong coffee.


The dating guide found on this eBook features 10 modules which cover different topics such as doing the right approach and how to create love. The writing style is a combination of both the descriptive and narrative styles, which is usually observed in dating and relationship books. For instance, the first chapter of the dating site will give you a descriptive explanation of the science behind male and female gender roles, and then you’ll find practical tips or techniques on how to fulfill your roles to avoid falling into the Mr. Nice Guy category or experiencing friend-zone in narrative form.


The most interesting parts of this eBook are the identification of gender roles and the reasons why women tend to test men. While some people are criticizing the practical examples, pointing out that they do not match the standards or concepts outlined in the eBook, many readers find them realistic and valuable.


Likes and Dislikes




  • Members get plenty of bonuses, such as instant access to the elite members’ exclusive area.
  • We were impressed with the main goal of the eBook, which focuses on helping a person become an attractive person, instead of becoming a player or picking up and hooking up with women whenever you like.
  • The theories stated can help men kick-start their success with women with the application of new techniques learned.
  • The price is worth it because aside from the eBook, you’ll get instant access to the exclusive elite members area which provides bonus materials, such as instructional videos.
  • You can also take advantage of the live chat for assistance or queries.
  • The material is versatile, catering the needs of auditory and visual learners. You can always download the amazing audiobook version whenever you want if you prefer listening than reading.
  • There’s a detailed discussion on dating and relationship, unlike other eBooks that focus only on pickup. With The Tao of Badass, it covers a full spectrum of love and relationship areas from meetup, dating, to maintaining a long-lasting relationship.




  • Because of the rich information, you might experience information overload. With too many routines, some readers may be at lost or don’t know where to begin or apply a course of action.
  • It may take awhile to achieve full mastery of the concept and application of some Tao Badass techniques. Internalizing the core principles doesn’t happen overnight, but the results are very rewarding once you’re able to master the craft.


The Tao of Badass Techniques


We were captured by the 40-second Kiss Technique of The Tao of Badass eBook. The main goal of this technique is to help you find a woman who is ready and willing to make out. This step is crucial to avoid or minimize failure. While many would probably raise their eyebrows if the technique works, throw all your misconceptions and you can find it for yourself!


Note: This technique works best in places where there’s a lot of noise, such as bars.


How to Find Out if a Woman is Ready for a Kiss?


1. A woman who looks down a lot is trying to access her emotional side. That’s why if you make eye contact and she looks down and backs up again, it only means that she’s trying to get an emotional and physical response from you.


2. If a woman looks down and tilts her head down, it means that she’s ready to be submissive. Now it’s time to act and show your dominance!


3. A woman who keeps looking around, appearing to be not engaged, means that she’s trying to get the attention of people around her, including you. This sign is a good one, so you can approach her, make a connection, and seduce within 40 seconds.


4. Don’t waste your time if the woman is engaged in a conversation because this technique won’t work.


5. A dominant woman stands tall and upright, with her arms crossed and her feet are shoulder width apart. With this position, it’s unlikely that you can make out in 40 seconds. Instead, look for a girl who does not take up so much space, with her legs close and body closer together.


6. Choose to approach a woman who is not wearing a flashy or erotic wardrobe or too overly conservative either. Choose someone who dresses in between.


7. The Neuro-Linguistic-Programming or NLP technique is very powerful if you master how to use it. This technique involves controlling a woman’s experience by working on the body frame. It means bringing a woman into yours, wherein the term ‘frame’ literally means ‘reality’. Once you control reality, you also control a woman’s experience. It will make a woman more comfortable and it makes you also more dominant.


Review Conclusion

When it comes to dating and relationship, there’s no shortcut to achieving success, and this is what The Tao of Badass is all about. It teaches you how to become a better version of yourself through hard work, patience, waiting for the right timing, and dedication. If you experienced rejection or failure, don’t give up because it’s not the end of your journey. You practice to succeed and if you encounter challenges and feel rejection, you learn, but you never fail. We highly recommend this eBook to both men and women because it teaches men how to treat women right, and it teaches women of their vulnerabilities.


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